Step by step in constructing a web site

Okey kawan2.. jom kite ambil tahu pasal langkah demi langkah dalam menghasilkan satu laman web.Terdapat 15 langkah dalam menghasilkan laman web yeaa.. Check it out!!!

1. Analyzing learner’s background
2. Collecting the contents
3. Validating the content- check for spelling, grammar errors.
4. Designing the website theme
5. Designing web typography
6. Designing the learning/ presentation strategy.
7. Designing the interface & navigation
8. Developing Graphic and Animation Files
9. Developing audio and video files
10. Website Development Process
11. Developing an interactive page such as guest book, forum etc.
12. Testing the website
13. Evaluate the website
14. Publishing the website through server
15. Maintaining the website.

Nota kaki : Selamat mencuba semua.. sile ikut step by step if nak dapatkan hasil yg sempurna n terbaek dlm mghasilkan laman web.. tp DON’T Forget yeaa.. ape-ape pon kite boleh BREAK the RULE.. hehehee.. chaiyok!!!!....

2 Responses So Far:

Unknown said...

errk.... mcm mana nak ikut langkah kalau taktau?

udacun said...

hohohoo.. hai zulfikar.. kekee

ape yang tak tau tuu??
actually step ni untuk orang yang dah tau cara2 nak bangunkan laman web.. depe hanya perlu ikut step by step ajee.. spy smua berjalan lancarrr.. jgn maen trus nak develop aje tnpa carik bahan2 dlu.. gtu laaa.. ~

Foot Print??? Thumb print???